SMLE – 2 Me (feat. Kiddo Ai & Nick Smith)

Lyrics, Letras da Musica
What I’m saying might be reckless (reckless)
But I meant it when I said it (said it)
And I know I might regret it (regret it)
But it’s time I gave a lesson
Hope your feelings they don’t lessen

No, when I’m not where you are
Gets this feeling in my heart
And it aches we’re apart (apart)

I can’t stand to see the stars
But when I’m not where you are
When you playin in the dark
I am tired so

Won’t you come to bed soon
Wait in my bedroom
Counting the hours, the hours
‘Till you give to me

Watch by the white moon
Stuck in my bedroom
Counting the hours, the hours
‘Till you give to me

Tired of running off the echoes (echoes)
Why’s the blinds back on my window (window)
Don’t if I should let go
Just incase you didn’t know
These emotions that might show

No, when I’m not where you are
Gets this feeling in my heart
And it aches when we’re apart (apart)

I can’t stand to see the stars
But when I’m not where you are
Will you playin in the dark
I am tired so

Won’t you come to bed soon
Wait in my bedroom
Counting the hours, the hours
‘Till you give to me

Watch by the white moon
Stuck in my bedroom
Counting the hours, the hours
‘Till you give to me

I can’t wait, I feel you getting closer
Count the minutes ‘till I see you
Come on over (over)

I can’t wait, I know you’re getting closer
Count the minutes ‘till I see (you)
(I see) you

Won’t you come to bed soon
(Come to bed soon)
Wait in my bedroom
Counting the hours, the hours
(Counting the hours, the hours)
‘Till you give to me
(‘Till you give to me)

Watch by the white moon
Stuck in my bedroom
Counting the hours, the hours
‘Till you give to me

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