SLEKT – XXL Hotdog

Letra “SLEKT – XXL Hotdog” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

Friday is datenight and I know what to do
I’m a master chef, I’m gonna cook something new
A revolutionary dish, so much is true
Put my Hotdog in your mouth, I made it just for you


I got an XXL Hotdog won’t you have a taste
Its nice and warm don’t let it go to waste
An XXL Hotdog is what i’m talking about
Won’t you stuff my Hotdog in your mouth?

Verse 2

My Hotdog is salty, soft and sweet
You don’t even need to use your teeth
You don’t need ketchup, but mayo is included
Just put it in your mouth, and my Hotdog will shoot it!


I got an XXL Hotdog won’t you have a taste
Its nice and warm, don’t let it go to waste
An XXL Hotdog is what i’m talking about
Won’t you stuff my Hotdog in your mouth?


Please don’t call the cops!

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