SION (Howard x Jared) – The Blade

The Blade Lyrics

Verse 1
Everything I said
Everything I’ve done is a lie
All you know is the red
Keep waiting for the blood to dry

(Keep waiting for the blood to dry)


Keep waiting for the blood to dry

Chorus 1
When you lose all feeling
I am, I am the blade
There’s no end to the bleeding
I am, I am the blade

Verse 2
Here is your answer
I have nothing left to give
Held captive with a smile
This is death by a thousand cuts
Love can be so vile
With my lips sewn shut
Chorus 2
When you lose all feeling
I am, I am the blade
There’s no end to the bleeding
I am, I am thе blade
It’s not worth the effort
You can’t rеpair, I’m cutting to the bone
There’s no end to the bleeding
I am, I am the blade

Guitar Solo: Jared Dines

Chorus 2
When you lose all feeling
I am, I am the blade
There’s no end to the bleeding
I am, I am the blade
It’s not worth the effort
You can’t repair, I’m cutting to the bone
There’s no end to the bleeding
I am, I am the blade

SION (Howard x Jared)

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