Sicdoll – Basic kids

Letra “Sicdoll – Basic kids” Official Lyrics

Chorus 1

Kids basic kids
Tasteless, hedonist rats
Kids, ugly virgins
Why don’t you understand? ¡That i hate you!

Verse 1

No one is born being an expert
But you die knowing nothing
You strive to be idiot
You strive to be comfortable

!Everything you like is gross!
!And you always cry when they check it out for you!
!Everything you like is gross!
!And you always cry when they check it out for you!

Chorus 2

Kids basic kids
Tasteless, hedonist rats
Kids, ugly virgins
Why don’t you understand?
Kids basic kids
Tasteless, hedonist rats
Kids, ugly virgins
Why don’t you understand? ¡That I hate you!

Verse 2

Why don’t go masturbate with your favorite series?
Stop pretending you know something about something
You nеver care nothing about nothing

!Your parents must bе imprisoned!
!Because of them you are on the same place as me!
!Your parents must be imprisoned!
!Because of them you are on the same place as me!

Chorus 3

Kids basic kids
Tasteless, hedonist rats
Kids, ugly virgins
Why don’t you understand?
Kids basic kids
Tasteless, hedonist rats
Kids, ugly virgins
Why don’t you understand? ¡That I hate you!

Verse 3

!Everything you like is gross!
!And you always cry when they check it out for you!
!Everything you like is gross!
!And you always cry when they check it out for you!

Chorus 4

Kids basic kids
Tasteless, hedonist rats
Kids, ugly virgins
Why don’t you understand?
Kids basic kids
Tasteless, hedonist rats
Kids, ugly virgins
Why don’t you understand? ¡That I hate you!

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