Shift K3Y – Rhythm Of The Drum

Rhythm Of The Drum – Shift K3Y
Lyrics, Letra:
To the rhythm of the drum
To the rhythm of the drum


To the rhythm of the drum
Get down to the rhythm of the drum
To the rhythm of the drum
To the rhythm of the drum

Get loose with the rhythm of the drum
So good, everybody wants some
Put your mouth here boy, here I come
Better move from the direction
Pretty boy, no, I don’t play fair
Play with me if you want to dare
Yeah, uh
You better get down to the rhythm of the drum
And it looks so nice
Head to toe, I’m drippin’ ice
One by one, I throw the dice
You should quick take my advice
Sexy ladies on the floor
Move the flyers of them all
Yeah, uh
You better get down to the rhythm of the drum

To the rhythm of the drum
To the rhythm of the drum
To the rhythm of the, rhythm of the, rhythm of the…

Get loose with the rhythm of the drum
So good, everybody wants some
Put your mouth here boy, here I come
Better move from the direction
Pretty boy, no, I don’t play fair
Play with me if you want to dare
Yeah, uh
You better get down to the rhythm of the drum
You better get down to the rhythm of the drum
To the rhythm of the drum
To the rhythm of the drum

To the rhythm of the drum

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