Sheena Munyeti – Mama Africa

Mama Africa – Sheena Munyeti Lyrics Letra:

Over the plains and ground below

Your love it flows like liquid gold

On the shores, your beauty glows

There’s nothing like your embrace, a lullaby from my mama

The richness of my motherland

Precious stones and the green lands

I’m proud to call you home

Mama Africa

Mama Africa

Mama Africa

Never let me go

Ooh oh oooh

Why do we need go to across the seas for a better living

Losing our lives chasing a foreign dream

Catching our breath as we swim across

My heart’s in my hand, I’m losing hope

I close my eyes and I see you mama

As we fight to survive

My loved ones by my side

I wish that I could come back to you

Mama Africa

Mama Africa

Mama Africa

Never let me go

I can see the sadness in your eyes

Oh oh oh

As you watch me fighting for my life

Oh oh oh oh

Never let me go

We have all we need and more

Oh oh oh

There is much we could explore

Oh oh oh

Ooooooh ooooh

Ooh mama Africa

Take me back

Honor me

Hold me

Never let me go

Take me back

Mama Africa

Chorus (mama Africa)*2

Sheena Munyeti – Mama Africa

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