Shades Fade Letra – Dillon

Shades Fade Letra – Dillon

Letras da Musica
Your angle of view guided me through
The peculiar ways in which shades fade, fade, fade

Day in, day out shades fade
Through flood, through drought shades fade
Through faith, through doubt shades fade
Through this maze shades fade
Days in, days out shades fade
Through flood, through drought shades fade
Through faith, through doubt shades fade
Through this maze shades fade

I move my time, may my mind unwind
Without the speedway by which shades fade, fade, fade
(?)::: walk this maze before
I’ve curiously explored
The paths to the core
Since I’ve walked this maze before
(?)::: to hopelessly explore
The paths to the core

Day in, day out shades fade
Through flood, through drought shades fade
Through faith, through doubt shades fade
Through this maze shades fade
Days in, days out shades fade
Through flood, through drought shades fade
Through faith, through doubt shades fade
Through this maze shades fade

The joyful glory of (?)::: lost stories still resonate
Softer shades fade, fade, fade

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