Seth MacFarlane – Never In A Million Years

Letra “Seth MacFarlane – Never In A Million Years” Official Lyrics

When I embrace you
I hold the world in my caress
When I embrace you

What greater treasure can I possess?

You wonder why it is
That I love you so
I’ll tell you why it is
It’s because I know, that


Never in a million years
Could there be another you
I would shed a million tears
If ever we were through

Never in a million moons
Could you ever be surpassed
Darling, for a million Junes
This love of ours will last

There would bе no world for me
If ever wе would part
Where I go, your name will be
Right on the tip of my heart

For only once in every lifetime
Someone just like you appears
Is there any greater glory?
Any greater thrill?
No, never in a million years

There would be no world for me
If ever we would part
Where I go, your name will be
Right on the tip of my heart

For only once in every lifetime
Someone just like you appears
Is there any greater glory?
Any greater thrill?
No, never in a million years

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