Schwizzle – Mad City

Letra “Schwizzle – Mad City” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

There’s a new Roblox Jailbreak game
They’re tryna make money off of Roblox Jailbreak
And it’s called “Mad City”
And I’m not really a fan of it because the robberies weren’t as fun
And the cars suck

Chorus 1

Mad City isn’t that good
They’re just ripping off Jailbreak
Jailbreak didn’t rip off Prison Life
Cause Jailbreak is so much more different than Prison Life
Also, why would you play Redwood Prison?

Verse 2

It’s kinda annoying cause I don’t like Mad City
Mad City isn’t very good
I tried to rob the bank and it was really confusing
Because I got stuck in the air vent because I’m a snowman in Jailbreak
Yes, I spent 300 Robux on that
But it was pretty cool and I’ve been using it for like a year
So yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah chicken

Chorus 2

Mad City isn’t that great but, I mean it’s alright
Jailbreak is still so much better but Mad City is alright
I could do without Mad City
They’re stealing lots of Jailbreak’s players
But Jailbreak still gets a lot of players which is good

Verse 2

I know I always complain about the cops in Jailbreak
But the cops in Mad City are even worse
The cars in that game are slower than a turtle
And they’re not even very good


Mad City isn’t very good
They’re just tryna copy Jailbreak
Mad City isn’t even very good
They’re just tryna profit off of Jailbreak, which they stole

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