Samiir Saunders – Passing in the Distance

Letra “Samiir Saunders – Passing in the Distance” Official Lyrics

When the walls ache, Earth stands and you shake
And it all burns all falls and all breaks
How do you face something so huge?
How do you face something so huge?
I wasn’t there for you, I fled too scared
Of my carelessness and the wrong thing said
How do you face something so huge?
How do you face something so huge?
You can’t prepare for it when the rules all change
To the point that it’s a different game
But when you said, “I just refuse to play”
I didn’t know how much I felt the same
I know that there’s no sense in dying
But living feels like constant fighting
Something so huge
How do you face something so huge?


I wanted to be perfect or at least good enough
I thought it was better to run away than to show up and hold my breath, but- but I wasn’t there when you needed me
(I wasn’t there)

Verse 2

You were a teardrop, you were eyelash thin
You were the whisper of a butterfly wing
How do you face something so huge?
How do you face something so huge?
And when you passed away in the distance all I saw was a screen turn black
So it feels like any day you might come back

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