Samiir Saunders – Notes on Asphyxiation

Letra “Samiir Saunders – Notes on Asphyxiation” Official Lyrics


When you inhale deeply, you bring the universe into your body, ut too many of us are taught to shallow our breath
Generational trauma can suffocate the airways, it can trigger the immune response, it can stimulate the body into fight or flight
You always fly away my love, you always fly
Either that or you sit where you are, choking in compliant silence
As a child, whether or not you receive love from your caregivers is literally a matter of life or death
You develop survival tactics
You create strategies of sweetness
You contort yourself into a package which can be offered in exchange for safety
If you learn that your own breath has the potential to crack the eggshells you walk on, you will gladly choke
Asphyxiation is a small price to pay for even a cold stale crumb of love

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