Samantha Stevenson – (I Miss You) Old Friend

Letra “Samantha Stevenson – (I Miss You) Old Friend” Official Lyrics

I miss you like an old friend
Always on my mind, but never to be seen again
Keep you locked away, you’ll stay where we can play pretend
Always on my mind, forever keep me wondering

If maybe i should try to reach out one of these days
If you’re the same or life has shaken to the core, changed
Are you safe somewhere locked away, do you still play pretend?
Always on my mind, but never to be seen again?

So used to skipping cracks in sidewalks, innocencе
Got used to sticking by your side thought, in a sensе
That we’d stay skipping over time, loss, innocence
Got used to sticking to the sidewalks, In a sense

And maybe we’ll meet once again in my front yard with white-picket fence, and part of we can play pretend with part of me, it all depends
We never got to say farewell, although it goes without show tell
You never truly went away, forever you are here to stay, in some way

I miss you like an old friend
Always on my mind, but never to be seen again
Keep you locked away, you’ll stay where we can play pretend
Always on my mind, forever keep me wondering

If maybe I should try to reach out one of these days
If you’re the same or life has shaken to the core, changed
Are you safe somewhere locked away, do you still play pretend?
Always on my mind, but never to be seen again?

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