Rob Benedict – Fare Thee Well (Live)

Letra “Rob Benedict – Fare Thee Well (Live)” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

If I had wings like Noah’s dove
I’d fly up the river to the one I love


Fare thee well, oh honey, fare thee well

Verse 2

I knew a man who’s long and tall
He moves his body like a cannon ball


Oh, fare thee well, oh honey, fare thee well

Verse 3

Remember one night, the drizzling rain
And around my heart I felt an aching pain


Oh, fare thee well, oh honey, fare thee well

Verse 4

One of these days, it won’t be long
You’ll call my name and I’ll be gone


Fare thee well, oh, farе thee well
Fare thee well
Farе thee well


Thank you. Thank you so much

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