Reps (Band) – ’Bout The City

Letra “Reps (Band) – ’Bout The City” Official Lyrics


Oh, I can see them run ‘bout the town
I can hear them all say:
Bollap ba bollap


Doo wop, doo wop, listen to the music
Doo wop doo wop do
Doo wop, doo wop, listen to the music
Doo wop doo wop do
Doo wop, doo wop, listen to the music
Doo wop doo wop do
Doo wop, doo wop, listen to the music
Doo wop doo wop do




Verse 1

Not bad, I don’t think they’re bad
Even if sometimes they look so mad
Guy’s in town, the guy’s in town
And everybody’s talking about ‘em


Won’t you play the damn song
To make me strong
You will sing; I will make it if I do
Take me to the power
Get out of the corner
Take me to the border
I will make it as they do
I can see them run about the town
Oh, I can hear them all say:
Bollap ba bollap


Doo wop, doo wop, listen to the music
Doo wop doo wop do
Doo wop, doo wop, listen to the music
Doo wop doo wop do



Verse 2

They have changed the same old scene
It’s not a story in a magazine
Guy’s in town, they’re hanging around
Don’t you know they’ll never let you down

Pre-Chorus 2

I believe in what I feel
To make it real
Won’t you sing; I will make it if I do
Take me to the power
Get out of the corner
Take me to the border
I will make it as they do
I can see them run ‘bout the town
Oh, I can hear them all say:
Bollap ba bollap


Doo wop, doo wop, listen to the music
Doo wop doo wop do
Doo wop, doo wop, listen to the music
Doo wop doo wop do


Who wants to battle?!
I got the power-oh!
Who wants to battle?!
Say what!?



Won’t you play that damn song
To make me strong
Won’t you sing; I will make it if I do
Take me to the power
Get out of the corner
Take me to the border
I will make it as they do
I can see them run ‘bout the town
Oh, I can hear them all say:
Bollap ba bollap

Chours 2

Doo wop, doo wop, listen to the music
Doo wop doo wop do
Doo wop, doo wop, listen to the music
Doo wop doo wop do
Doo wop, doo wop, listen to the music
Doo wop doo wop do
Doo wop, doo wop, listen to the music
Doo wop doo wop, bollap ba bollap

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