Ranji x Omiki Ft. AVIVA – Psycho


Psycho – Ranji x Omiki Ft. AVIVA Lyrics Letra:
You chain me up, still speculating
Never enough
But soon you’ll see I’m unrestrainable
I’m uncontainable
Any moment I’ll have you begging
Don’t turn your back
Oh, can’t you see that I’m untamable?
I’m unmistakeable?
I’m hearin’ it all, I hear it in my head
Whisperin’, they’re whisperin’ again
Hearin’ it all, they see me as a threat
Pushin’ me, keep pushin’ to the edge
You keep calling me a psycho
Got it in my head
Careful what you say
Think you might be right though
You made me a psycho
A psycho
You keep calling me a psycho
Thought that I was scared
But I came prepared
Think you might be right though
You made me a psycho
A psycho
You made me a psycho
A psycho

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