Rad Stacey – Night Traffic

Rad Stacey – Night Traffic Lyrics, Letra
Night Traffic Lyrics

Do you ever feel like your lonely
When surrounded by friends, yeah?
Do you always mind your tongue
When you’re speakin’
But still trip over your feet?

Late night, you come home
He’s passed out and you’re alone
Don’t let his life take you away
You’re no cross to bear

They’ll tell you that it’s your thoughts
That are making you sick
That’s no way to live man!
They’ll try to turn your emotions
So you don’t fit in
Stick to your guns yeah!


Do you long for a night of just dreamin’
But always wake to nightmares?
Do you feel like the clock is just tickin’
The life right out of your veins?
Late night, you come home
He’s passed out and you’re alone
Don’t let his life take you away
You’re no cross to bear

They’ll tell you that it’s your thoughts
That are making you sick
That’s no way to live man!
They’ll try to turn your emotions
So you don’t fit in
Stick to your guns yeah!

Late night, you come home
And pass out, all alone
Don’t let your life take you away
Let it take you there

So jut live how you want
Givin’ no love or fucks
‘cause you know
You’re the goddamn queen
You don’t fall you rise up
Draw blood first in the water
Yeah you got the world by the balls
So just smile!

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