Rachel Szabo – Wayside

Wayside Lyrics
Rachel Szabo

You’ve fallen by the wayside
Washed up on the shore and went out with the tide
You’ve fallen by the wayside
Should’ve looked a little deeper in your eyes

I felt alive
Face burrowed in your side
It was to my surprise
That you left with the tide
That you left with the tide
That you left with the tide

We are waiting for the cure
Watch the feather falling slowly
There is only one vial
It is for my one and only


Blood rushes to my face
Wanting more, wanting more of you
Blood rushes to my face
Rosy red like my delusions of you

I have to stop
Drifting so far into my thoughts
I have to stop
Drifting so far into my thoughts
My thoughts
My thoughts

We are waiting for the cure
Watch the feather falling slowly
There is only one vial
It is for my one and only

I felt alive
Face burrowed in your side
It was to my surprise
That you left with the tide

Rachel Szabo – Wayside
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