Post Animal – Cancer Moon Lyrics

Letra “Post Animal – Cancer Moon Lyrics” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

Carousel, you’re sleeping in
Got a heavy start
Call on the friend that takes on the weight of things
If you tell them what kind of shape you’re in


They’ll tell ya
‘Walk back into the soul again
Dig down deep as it seems, young man
The trick is to use your hands
And work like you give a damn’


I’m on my way down
On those city trains where light comes pouring in
Meet me on the cancer moon
Where struggle bends the light below the ridge
And cool air makes the body warmer too

Verse 2

Carousel, a seeking wind
And a shaky start
You’re holding all that sensation in
There’s only one move with the kind of shape you’re in


Time to crawl back into the home again
Tell your mom that you feel alone again
Get advice an older man, older band
Make a healthier back up plan


I’m on my way down
On those city trains where light comes pouring in
Meet me on the cancer moon
Where struggle bends the light below the ridge
And cool air makes the body warmer too


You’ll find it there
You’ll find it there
You’ll find it there
You’ll find it there
You’ll find it there
You’ll find it there
You’ll find it there
You’ll find it there


I’m on my way
Meet me on the cancer moon
Another sign from god to send me home again
And cool air makes the body warmer too

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