Poppy – Bruises

Letra “Poppy – Bruises” Official Lyrics

Verse 1: Caroline Polachek

I tried to do handstands for you
I tried to do headstands for you
Every time I fell on you, yeah, every time I fell
I tried to do handstands for you
But every time I fell for you
I’m permanently black and blue, permanently blue for you

Verse 1: Caroline Polachek

I tried to do handstands for you
I tried to do headstands for you
Every time I fell on you, yeah, every time I fell
I tried to do handstands for you
But every time I fell for you
I’m permanently black and blue, permanently blue

Chorus: Caroline Polachek

For you-ooh
For you-ooh
So black and blue-ooh
For you-ooh

Verse 2: Aaron Pfenning


I grabbed some frozen strawberries
So I could ice your bruising knees
But frozen things they all unfreeze and now I taste like
All those frozen strawberries I used to chill your bruising knees
Hot July ain’t good to me
I’m pink and black and blue
(For you)

Verse 3: Caroline Polachek

I got bruises on my knees for you
And grass stains on my knees for you
Got holes in my new jeans for you
Got pink and black and blue
Got bruises on my knees for you
And grass stains on my knees for you
Got holes in my new jeans for you
Got pink and black and blue

Chorus: Caroline Polachek

For you-ooh
For you-ooh
So black and blue-ooh
For you-ooh

Outro: Caroline Polachek

(Du, du, lu, du, lu, du, lu)
(Du, du, lu, du, lu, du, lu)
(Du, du, lu, du, lu, du, lu)
(Du, du, lu, du, lu, du, lu)
(Du, du, lu, du, lu, du, lu)
(Du, du, lu, du, lu, du, lu)
(Du, du, lu, du, lu, du, lu)
(Du, du, lu, du, lu, du, lu)

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