Plagis – The Abyss

Plagis – The Abyss
Lyrics, Letra:
Walk with me
Through illusion and vigour
Dwell with me
In a place no one escapes

Stay with me
Embrace my touch forever
Die with me
In the void between worlds

The all consuming darkness
Reveals its true face
My heart beating and bleeding
In this unforgiving place
Bury me, in golden shrine
Befitting of the cursed
Rest my corpse alongside yours
Let’s forever be as one

I am a flicker of light
I am the soil of the earth
I am the hope that’s buried down
I am the edge between the cracks

Poisoned the rising flames
Never to be whole again
Left in wretched strain

This is not damnation
Nor condemnation
This is not an exile
Staring deep into the mouth of Hell

I embody all your hatred
Forever known all this time
With fear I kiss the burning darkness
And with that I die

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