Piney Gir – Let’s Get Silly

Piney Gir – Let’s Get Silly, Lyrics, Letras:

All your friends coming out tonight
If it’s up to you then it’s gonna be right
If it’s up to you i’d hold you tight
So lets get silly till the morning

People come and people go
That’s all part of life’s big show
Act like a real guy and go
Mind your p’s and q’s

Evenings over day will break
Forget everything like a big mistake
Saying goodbye’s a piece of cake
Promenade her home

Walking with you is like chewing gum
Like your lips and tickle my tongue
Don’t forget you sense of fun
So let’s get silly

The moral of the story is a bitter pill
Let in the sun on the window sill
At the end of the day i love you still
So let’s get silly till the end

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