
Phenomy – Chaos Within

Phenomy – Chaos Within
Lyrics, Letra:
class=”cnt-letra p402_premium” style=”font-size: 19px;”>

Take away the sun above and burn the air we breathe
Take away the moon and stars and everything believed
Take away the fields of green, the blue seas below
Take away the spark of life and everything unknown


All that I see are scenes of violence
The screams aloud crash down the silence
Dreams of tomorrow drowned in sorrow
Man’s self destruction
Death of order breeds disorder
Forlorn in fear
Take away serenity and fill the mind with hatred
Take away the heat inside and fill the hearts with emptiness
Take away the blood so pure spread the poison in the veins
Take away the innocence drained by guilt consumed by pain

Ethnocide genocide the cancer lives deep inside
Corruption disruption chaos within damnation

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