Penny Ivy – Alien

Letra “Penny Ivy – Alien” Official Lyrics

I’m standing naked in the bathroom thinking about
All the things (i) could have said and I put myself down
It’s cycle, a circus ride
But i wish I never joined the line
Brush my teeth and i worry while I’m getting to sleep
I need enough or tomorrow have to carry’ my feet
It’s a a cycle, a nervous tide
And it takes me under every time

I know I leave all the parties way too soon
Don’t talk enough cuz I find it hard to do
Always feel like i don’t fit in
Got no social skills
Sick of trying

It’s so hard, don’t know what I’m doing
Felt this way forever it feels like wasted time
Tough to say whatever I’m feeling
Can’t control my face
When i feel displaced, am I
An alien, cuz i can’t help feeling like

Wish I could drink all of my coffee without any the shakes
Talk out loud, do a speech without being ashamed
It’s a burden, yeah heaven knows
All the years i tried to let shit go

I’ve contemplated if I’m from somewhere else
Cuz honestly that would make sense of this hell
It always feels like i’m trying
To fit in society
But no body’s buying


Bridge (break)


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