PeanutButterGamer – Imagine Fashion Party Song

Letra “PeanutButterGamer – Imagine Fashion Party Song” Official Lyrics

Cutting with scissors! (Snip, snip, snip, snip)
Doing some sew! -ing (Sewing, sewing, sewing, sewing)
Pick a hair! Which hair do you like best?
Just reach inside your soul (Make a choice, make a choice)
Strut your stuff on the runway! (Strut, strut your stuff, okay, strut, strut your stuff)
Looking good, looking good!
How are your lips looking? How are your lips?
(Put some of that on your lips! Put some of that on your lips!)
Make sure you put on makeup, y- ya don’t look good
Ya don’t look good without it
Ahahaha… I don’t know if I can put that in the video….

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