Parking Lot Democracy – Tonight Lyrics

Letra “Parking Lot Democracy – Tonight Lyrics” Official Lyrics


I wanna go outside
But I can’t find any good reason to do so
So I just stay inside all day
And watch my flesh decay


And the days they pass
And the nights they do too
All I want is to go away tonight
But I’m too much of a fucking coward, so I’ll stay inside tonight
Yeah, I’ll stay inside tonight


What’s gonna happen to my shit
How would I record
What about my friends
I can’t go now


But the days they pass
And the nights they do too
All I want is to stay away tonight
But I’m too much of a fucking coward, so I’ll stay inside tonight


And the days they pass
And the nights they do too
All I want is to go away tonight
But I’m too much of a fucking coward, so I’ll kill myself tonight


And the days they pass
And the nights they do too
All I want is to stay away tonight
But I’m too much of a fucking coward, so I’ll stay inside tonight
Yeah, I’ll stay inside tonight

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