Parking Lot Democracy – Fake Memories Lyrics

Letra “Parking Lot Democracy – Fake Memories Lyrics” Official Lyrics


I have fake memories implanted in my skull
I can only see the bruises but I can’t remember falling down the stairs
I hate it when you tell me that I’m wrong and I need help


You don’t know who I am so stop policing my thoughts
You don’t know who I am so stop policing my thoughts


If I die, I wanna die, I’m not forcing you to cry
I wanna get drunk or high so I can put that shit aside
Don’t tell me that I have to love my life


You know it isn’t true so stop policing my thoughts
You know it isn’t true so stop policing my thoughts


You don’t know who I am so stop policing my thoughts
You don’t know who I am so stop policing my thoughts

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