paris jackson – undone

undone – paris jackson Lyrics Letra:
i know you’re falling to pieces
‘cause you wear your heart on your sleeve
but if you could just put down the needle,
mend yourself and make believe

i know world is falling down
and our feet can’t touch the ground
so can we fake a smile this once, my black hole sun ?
imagine we won’t come undone

can it be alright again ?
if the sun comes out tomorrow i don’t know where we’d begin
inside my head
we are smiling like we used to way back then

wait, is this the end ?
please, don’t go my friend
breathe, just once again
i promise that we’ll pretend

that the world’s not falling down
that our feet can touch the ground
so can we fake a smile this once, my black hole sun ?
i promise we won’t come undone

can it be alright again ?
if the sun comes out tomorrow i don’t know where we’d begin
inside my head
we are smiling like we used to way back then

can it be alright again ?
i’ve been seeing you in strangers tryna find my fallen friend
inside my head
where you live now that your love is gone and dead

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