P E A C E – Hillsong Young and Free

Lyrics, Letras da Musica
You will stay true
Even when the lies come
Your Word remains truth
Even when my thoughts don’t line up
I will stand tall on each promise you made,
Let the rest fade away

There’s a peace far beyond all understanding
May it ever set my heart at ease
Dare anxiety come I’ll remember
That Peace is a promise You keep
Peace is a promise You keep


You will stay true
Even in the chaos
Your Word remains truth
Even when my mind wreaks havoc
I will be still for I’ve known all along
My Jehovah Shalom

There’s a peace far beyond all understanding
May it ever set my heart at ease
What anxiety fails to remember
Is Peace is a promise You keep
Peace is a promise You keep

Peace to a restless soul
Peace when my thoughts wage war
Peace to the anxious heart
Peace when I feel enclosed
Peace when I loose control
Peace when my fear takes hold
Peace to a restless soul

I’ve found peace far beyond all understanding
Let it flow when my minds under siege
All anxiety bows in the presence
Of Jesus the Keeper of Peace
And peace is a promise He keeps

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