Owen Gray – Fire In A Trenchtown

Letra “Owen Gray – Fire In A Trenchtown” Official Lyrics


I say, it dread up in a Trenchtown
An’ di dread up in a Jonestown
It’s still dreader in a shanty town
An’ the whole world comin’ down

Verse 1

Police a run di Rasta
An’ the soldier-dem a satta
Jah Jah know what the matter
Dat di natty-dem no jester


A so di fire keeps burning
For, natty bongo keeps yearning
For, the tide keeps turnin’
An’ the children still learnin’




I say, fire in a Trenchtown
The whole face burning down
I say, fire up a Jonestown
An’ the whole world comin’ down

Verse 2

The police-dem a run di Rasta
An’ di soldier-dem a satta
Jah Jah knows what’s the matter
Dat di natty-dem no jestеr


I say, di dread up in a Trenchtown
An’ di dread up in a Jonеstown
It’s still dreader in a shanty town
An’ the whole world comin’ down


A so di fire keeps burning
But natty bongo keeps-a yearning
For, the tide keeps turnin’
An’ the children still learnin’


I said, it fire in a Trenchtown
Whole place burnin’ down

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