Ouroboros the Poser – Ashbary Core (Sisyphus Was Happy) Leap Into Your Latte Lyrics

Ashbary Core (Sisyphus Was Happy) Leap Into Your Latte Lyrics

Ouroboros the Poser
Help me help me help me reverend
Purge the demons from my soul
I can’t do it I can’t do it I fear I lost control
Help me help me help me rabbi
If I’m not exempt from trying
How can I try how can I try to keep myself from dyin
Help me help me help me Doctor
Clean the cobwebs from my mind
I can’t do it I can’t do it I’ve been workin overtime
Help me help me help me Loki
Keep the chaos in my sight
How can I try how can I try to have fun in this lifе
Truth comes in all shapes and sizes
Only if you keep your hеalth
All we need is just some peace of mind
Should I drink a cup of coffee or should I kill my self
Maybe I’ll find the answer out this time
Or maybe I won’t

No more drugs or alcohol or precious dopamine
To keep me sharp and focused I’ll just sip a cup o tea
Keep me on the straight and narrow or I may lose my way
I’ve been kicking and I’ve been screaming to fight another day
I can’t be on my own for now, do you have a place I could stay
To keep me sharp and focused can I crash here for a few days
Never wanna leave your side can we just lay here in bed
I’ve been kicking and I’ve been screamin to make you moan again

Truth comes in all shapes and sizes
Only if you keep your health
All we need is just some peace of mind
Should I drink a cup of coffee or should I kill my self
Maybe I’ll find the answer out this time
Or maybe I won’t


I woke up in the middle of the night gasping and crying and screaming
Help me help me help me
But I lived alone
I went over to the rusty knife on my table
Still caked in THC resin and laying on an unsent blue kiss
And I thought to myself “you’re so sharp”
And I wondered aloud how cold steel felt against warm flesh
I went out to my balcony of my apartment to say auf Wiedersehen
After all, it was as good a place as any to visit the great beyond or the nearest hospital
But my neighbor was smoking cigarettes she was potting yellow flowers into a green vase
And she told me to go to sleep
She said it gets better in the morning
She said it always gets better in the morning
By the gods
She said it always gets better in the morning
And she said it always gets better in the morning
She declared it always gets better in the morning
She commanded that it always gets better in the morning
Decreed that it must get better in the morning

Truth comes in all shapes and sizes
Only if you keep your health
And Sisyphus was happy with his life
Should I drink a cup of coffee or should I kill my self
I think I found my answer out this time

Leap into your latte
Leap into your latte
Leap into your latte
And sieze the day
Leap into your latte
Leap into your latte
Leap into your latte

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