ONE THING – I Don’t Like Mondays. feat. SALU

I Don’t Like Mondays. – ONE THING feat. SALU
Lyrics, Letra:
I believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
You may say it’s the best or say it’s the worst, but one thing’s for certain, it was first!

Verse 1
Hip Hop is back cause, Salú has returned, give me the microphone and watch it burn
I’m an old school rapper with some new school concerns
A lot of younger cats are reluctant to learn
So let me hit you with some catechesis
And there’s no wrong way to eat it like Reese’s pieces
So open up your ears and listen to my flow
Cause in this game full of armaturs, your listening to a pro
Ohhh! I’ve got to rap about my church
Cause a lot of y’all got the wrong result in your Google search
So I’m going to set the record straight
The Catholic Church is not the church that society has taught you to hate
I’m talking about the real deal, not a dress rehearsal,
The word Catholic means Universal
That means that everybody under the sun
is entitled to feel the love when we break bread as one. (Hook)

Verse 2
Let’s say I was studying the Bible but didn’t understand a verse,
Who could I ask to help me?
Maybe John Doe, Maybe Suzie Q.?
And even then, their answers could be wrong entirely
Now Jesus in all of his wisdom and divinity
knew that people would interpret thinks differently
that’s why he gave Peter special authority
kind of like a referee and thus began the papacy
Peter was the first pope, Linus was second,
Anacletus was third, Clement was 4th to be beckoned
Fast forward to 2005 after JP II came Benedict XVI
The line of popes traces back in unbroken succession
That itself is unmatched by any human institution
The point I’m trying to make is that the church is not just another human organization,
It’s an organism! (Hook)

Verse 3
When I profess that the church is “One”,
I don’t mean a bunch of different religions, I mean One.
Ephesians 5:23 says the church is the bride of Christ
He only has one spouse and she’s Catholic… right!
Christ makes his church holy, like he is holy
Not all the people in it are holy, but the church holy
Ephesians 5:26 puts it in perspective
The church’s holiness is God’s objective
The Catholic Church is a universal gift to all people, a donation
Ever since the great commission
to go throughout the world and make disciples of all nations
the church unites through the Eucharistic celebration
Christ’s Church is Apostolic
His apostles were appointed to spread the his message like a parabolic
because of them know of His Resurrection,
The Real Presence, the Mass, and Baptismal Regeneration.

I believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
You may say it’s the best or say it’s the worst but one thing’s for certain, it was first!

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