OMderful – 1 Missed Call ft. Dean & Tabber

Lyrics, Letra: 1 Missed Call – OMderful ft. Dean & Tabber
Verse: (dean)
I don’t want nobody
I don’t want nobody, hey
Too much troubles breathe around me
Sometimes this shit ain’t really like me

I don’t want nobody
And I ain’t worried bout it
But I made it cause,
Can’t see the distance
between love and lust

Let her leave, let her stay why this thing repeats what it caused

I should’ve called x3
I should’ve called ya

I take a deep sigh
Feel like I’m smoking 40 blunts
How could I decide
I hesitated with my phone too long
I take a deep sigh
They talking loud and I hear none
I take a deep sigh
I take a deep..

I should’ve called x4

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