Oats 'n Goats – Do Butterflies Fly at Night?

Letra “Oats 'n Goats – Do Butterflies Fly at Night?” Official Lyrics

Sad Bosh & Sad Bread

Do butterflies fly at night?
Well it’s one search away
But I would rather just imagine that they’re out beyond the day

Sad Bosh

And maybe I will find one while it flies across the moon
I’ll give it a little wave, and say I’ll see him again soon

Sad Bread

The people always tell me that I’ll never view a butterfly
But in the darkness, but in the sky, I’ll always be able to see

Sad Bosh


Swooping through the trees reaching high above the clouds
It warms my heart the most to think of all those butterflies

Sad Bread

Thеre’s scientists and doctors
I still beliеve I saw a butterfly
And it just has to be real
I know it to be true

Sad Bosh

Oh do you believe me?

Sad Bread

Oh do you believe me?

Sad Bosh

Will you follow me?

Sad Bread

Will you follow me?

Sad Bosh

Can you see them too?

Sad Bread

I can see them too

Sad Bosh & Sad Bread

Do butterflies fly at night?
Well it’s one search away
But I would rather just imagine that they’re out beyond the day

Sad Bosh

Do butterflies fly at night?

Sad Bread

Do butterflies fly at night?

Sad Bosh

Do butterflies fly at night?

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