Not of Man – Planet Lockdown 2021

Letra “Not of Man – Planet Lockdown 2021” Official Lyrics

Welcome to a world called insanity
Where Gavin Newsom tells you and me
That we can’t go outside and cannot
See our own mother fuckin family
So here’s a word 1.2.3. Gavin Newsom
I hope you hear clearly

Fuck Gavin Newsom
Nazi piece of shit
Fuck Gavin Newsom
Get down suck my dick

Hi everyone thanks for voting for me
I just wanna let you know I know it’s difficult
You can’t really go outside
Can’t really do anything
You don’t have any money
Your businesses are closing
Its difficult I know
Were all struggling in this together
I may have taken bail out money (PPP)
Your grandma may have died in the old folks home
After we put those Covid patients in there
But you can say whatever you want to me
I rule….
So fuck you…….

Fuck Gavin Newsom
Nazi piece of shit
Fuck Gavin Newsom
Get down suck my dick

I chose to sit there with my wife and a number of other couples
Who were outside the house hold you can quivel about the guidelines – Gavin Newsom 2020

Fuck Gavin Newsom
Nazi piece of shit
Fuck Gavin Newsom
Get down suck my dick

Because I need to preach and practice
Not just preach and not practice – Gavin Newsom 2020

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