noa – Fireworks

Fireworks – noa Lyrics, Letra:
When the fireworks shoot in the sky
Ima let you know what I got in my mind
So when the fireworks bloomed in the sky
I want you to be mine

Tonight is going to be
Seems unforgettable night with you

To be honest 今にでも
Blowing up 君への思い
Sick of playing this game

I know that I’m the top of your favorite list
And you know that your the reason why I can’t control my feelings

Ain’t no need to be shy girl
I got you no need to hide your heart

When the fireworks shoot in the sky
Ima let you know what I got in my mind
So when the fireworks bloomed in the sky
I want you to be mine

Tonight is going to be
(I wrote this song just for you babe)
Seems unforgettable night with you
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