Nightgames – Witchfork



Letra. (Lyrics Music Video)

My magic fingers
Smoothing out my magic robes

Witches and wizards, ivy and oak
Which is it you said that you were?
I’ll let you finish in a minute I hope
My voice is just so much louder

It’s like a million witches in my head
Tell them how they need me
I need them instead
My magic fingers
Smoothing out my magic robes

I cast a million spells into the mirror
Just ain’t the same when there’s nobody there
A million silky witches
Rocket through the midnight air

It’s like a million witches in my head
Tell them how they need me
I need them instead
My magic fingers
Smoothing out my magic robes

I cast a million spells into the mirror
Just ain’t the same when there’s nobody there
A million silky witches
Rocket through the midnight air

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