Nick Lexington – In The Flow

In The Flow – Nick Lexington Lyrics, Letra:
Six o’clock in the morning … you’re getting up
You’re getting, you’re getting up
Cause you wanna, you wanna start

1-2-3 let’s go! You are running fast, you’re running, you’re running fast
Cause you wanna, you wanna be there

Running working dancing easily
Imagine doing things like in a dream

Tic – tac – tac time passes – the sunset comes,
You’re still doing, just doing your things
Not noticing the dusk
You’re in the flow

Running working dancing easily
Imagine doing things like in a dream

Running working dancing easily
VOCALS BACKGROUND: You are in the flow

Imagine doing things like in a dream
VOCALS BACKGROUND: Enjoy it, today is your day

Running working dancing easily
Imagine doing things like in a dream

Running working dancing easily
VOCALS BACKGROUND: You’re right in the flow

Imagine doing things like in a dream
VOCALS BACKGROUND: Today you know, that you’ll make it

Ahhh – Aahahahaa
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