Neo Neos – The Kinks Are Who's Who

Letra “Neo Neos – The Kinks Are Who's Who” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

Sitting on the internet then going to a show
If you win or lose, it’s about who you know
Get a single on Drunken Sailors if some egghead approves
Of your image and your looks and your onstage moves

New York Hardcore is so passe
I don’t like the kind of music that
the world?
Try ripping off someone like Devo
No one’s ever done that sort of thing before, you know

Verse 2

The world’s coming to an end, there’s something you should do
Join a band like Toyota or make something new
The Cavemen or Lemonade are pretty good too
I listen to The Kinks all day that’s my who is who

Yes, i’m a loser and i’m gay
You don’t have to like things i say
Call me a baby and all sorts of names
I can just stay home and play videogames


That’s my who’s who
That’s who’s who
Who is who


The Kinks are who’s who
The Kinks are who’s who
The Kinks
The Kinks are

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