Nancy Wilson – One Soft Night

Letra “Nancy Wilson – One Soft Night” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

One soft night you’d buy the gleam in your eyes
One soft night I spoke and you’ll reply
Your lips whispered the sigh that was sweet and shy
We started to dance and time slipped by

Verse 2

One soft night all I imagine came alive
One soft night when love took us by surprise
We touched and both realised love had come alive
Yearning, burning deep inside

Verse 3

One soft night the stars were on their evening ride
One soft night thе wind sang a lullaby
Love wouldn’t be deniеd and so you and I
Embraced in a kiss and our hearts replied

Verse 4

One soft night all I imagined came alive
One soft night the stars were on their evening ride
Love wouldn’t be denied and so you and I
Embraced in a kiss and our hearts replied


One soft night starts were on their evening ride
One soft night

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