Nancy Wilson – No One Else But You

Letra “Nancy Wilson – No One Else But You” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

The way the lonely night needs the moon to light the sky
And just the way a bird must have two wings to make it fly
Darlin’, that’s how I need you


You! No one else but you
You! No one else but you
Just you
Just you

Verse 2

And just the way a rose needs the rain to make it grow
And just the way a star must have a wish to make it glow
Darlin’, that’s how I need you


You! No one else but you
You! No one else but you
Just you
Just you

Verse 3

The way a violin needs a gypsy melody
And just the way the dawn must have the sun to make it free
Darlin’, that’s how I need you


You! No one else but you
You! No one else but you
You! No one else but you
You! No one else but you

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