MUNA – Still rolling.

Letra “MUNA – Still rolling.” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

Yeah, still rolling
Wrist and fist both frozen
Wonder why you see them glistening
That’s your proof that it’s golden
Some days I feel like I’m chosen
I just been tryna live in the moment
So I get to pushing all my chips in
And they play and get to choking
Don’t really know what to make of it
For a while I was broken
Stuck in some bad habits
For a while I was hoping
That I could find my way out of it
Then the walls started closing
Looked in the mirror, couldn’t recognize myself
And I took it as an omen
Yet the wind keeps blowing
Leaves coming and going
Never been used to embracing mistakes
At least until I started growing
Days been moving so slowly lately
Man, I feel like I’m frozen
Like my life is an illusion
And the game keeps loading
Never know where I’m going
I’m a liquid, steady flowing
I been working on my flow and
Maybe that’s the reason why it’s potent
Seen a few people riding my wave
But I never say that they stole it
They just cheating theyselves
So I pass my condolences
Then I tighten my patrols
Peep the ones that be posing
And I distance myself
Then I go and get to roaming
Yeah I do a little trolling
A little japing and cajoling
A little light amount of joking
But you know I’m never folding

Verse 2

Yeah, still rolling
Wrist and fist both frozen
Wonder why you see them glistening
That’s your proof that it’s golden
Some days I feel like I’m chosen
I just been tryna live in the moment
So I get to pushing all my chips in
And they play and get to choking
Don’t really know what to make of it
For a while I was broken
Stuck in some bad habits
For a while I was hoping
That I could find my way out of it
Then the walls started closing
Looked in the mirror, couldn’t recognize myself
And I took it as an omen
Yet the wind keeps blowing
Leaves coming and going
Never been used to embracing mistakes
At least until I started growing
Days been moving so slowly lately
Man, I feel like I’m frozen
Like my life is an illusion
And the game keeps loading
Never know where I’m going
I’m a liquid, steady flowing
I been working on my flow and
Maybe that’s the reason why it’s potent
Seen a few people riding my wave
But I never say that they stole it
They just cheating theyselves
So I pass my condolences
Then I tighten my patrols
Peep the ones that be posing
And I distance myself
Then I go and get to roaming
Yeah I do a little trolling
A little japing and cajoling
A little light amount of joking
But you know I’m never folding

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