MOLEKEY – Don’t Let Go (feat. MOONSIDE) {REMIX)

Don’t Let Go (feat. MOONSIDE) {REMIX) Lyrics

Good, brave men die every year
Trained to save, no signs of fear
Living to fight, giving up their lives
For what it seems, our freedom to whine
About our lives, and how we try, not to die inside
To make it through, day to day, living for the pay
Is this it, the American dream? Laid in a grave, rowing gently down the stream?

So please don’t go and row, row your boat-
Gently down the stream, not waking up from this dream…
Listen up now, listen to me…

Please don’t go
I will show
How to go on from here
Please don’t go
I will show
How we fight on (from here)

We fight on, and on, and on
Livin’ on, and on, and on
Fighting and on, and on, and on
Please don’t go
I will show

Don’t give up now…don’t give in
There’s no need to fear, no greater sin
We’ll walk as one, while , learning how to run
Reliving memories, of how freedom isn’t free

So please don’t go and row, row your boat-
Gently down the stream, not waking up from this dream…
Listen up now, listen to me…

Please don’t go
I will show
How to go on from here
Please don’t go
I will show
How we fight on (from here)

We fight on, and on, and on
Livin’ on, and on, and on
Fighting and on, and on, and on
Please don’t go
I will show

Why would you leave me?
Why would you leave me, now?
Your cold and so hopeless
Why are you holding on
To something worth folding?
Why would you leave me, now?
Your cold and so worthless
Why are you holding on
To something worth folding?
Why would you leave me, now?

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