Mike Posner – Stuck In The Middle

Stuck In The Middle – Mike Posner
Lyrics, Letra:
(Verse 1}:
Perfume in my shirt
Puts me in the past
Too tough to be without her
But too afraid to ask

Here I am again, stuck in the middle
Here I am again, stuck in the middle

(Verse 2}:
Too young to settle down
Too old to be in bars
It’s hard to take it easy
It’s easy to be hard


Here I am again, stuck in the middle
Here I am again, stuck in the middle
Here I am again, stuck in the middle
Here I am again, stuck in the middle

(Verse 3}:
Forgive me, I am building my ship as it sells
How do I become who I wanna be while still remaining myself
Deeper, lover, hold me
I don’t know where he is gone
Too tired to be famous
Too vain to be unknown

Here I am again, stuck in the middle
Here I am again, stuck in the middle
Here I am again, stuck in the middle
Here I am again, stuck in the middle

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