Hook:2xAfter the pain of content"/>

Marked Visions – Make The Enmity Die

Letra “Marked Visions – Make The Enmity Die” Official Lyrics

After the pain of contention inflicted/
From getting let down by your company convicted/
Of ruining trust intended to be mutual/
Continue to move along to be beautiful/

Verse 1
A novice on the verge to seek knowledge needs to learn/
There’s caution to build to kill a problem after you burn/
At first the thought to reveal something of worth/
Could work as long as your company calmed your concern/
Of thinking it could hurt to be honest and direct/
Of where you’re going to earn latitude and respect/
All the lessons a movement produced to confect/
A winner begins when out on your own to project/
Steps to bigger things embedded in intellect/
Affected by everything you’ve been taught to protect/
You never reject steps to be excellent and prep/
To a reach a definite representation of success/
Collecting the feats for increase to erect/
To be accepted by persecutors you work to impress/
The sacrifice of happiness curses the future/
Blame your negligence for self-creating a loser/




Verse 2
You play your position to labor in a system/
A team of people who teach you how you can give assistance/
They reach you, you decide its right to pay attention/
To keep from conflict making life demented/
You escape from a team so you grind and own distance/
Only for them to pray that you break in ambitions/
Forcing you to take an excuse to comeback/
To accrue help only they produce to attach/
Permanently affix your existence established/
Within a bond so you don’t get loose when they catch you/
After you choose to reside in compliance/
That what a home provides is mandatory in silence/
A voice that reminds adversaries of your time/
To exercise reliance on self is brutalized/
You fail to use your mind to broaden and lengthen wide/
Horizons and dreams die that wasn’t prioritized/


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