Marc Almond – Passion and pain

Letra “Marc Almond – Passion and pain” Official Lyrics

I’m wanting your passion. Needing your pain. A loving requiring something untamed. Love is the heartache, love is the shame. A fire to be light in, while falling the rain

Forget settled romance. Forget stars or magic. Something dark and tragic which, here in my heart, love is a game, of passion and pain
Your kisses are futile. They don’t want my soul, but tender caresses. I feel nothing at all. Caress me with curses. I’m nursing each blow. Give my body a pleasure. My soul only knows

Forget hearts and flowers. Forget Cupid arrows. Word empty, shallow, leave me in the cold. Our love is a game of passion and pain

Forget hearts and flowers. Forget Cupid arrows. Word empty, shallow, leave me in the cold. Our love is a game of passion and pain

Our love is the game. Passion and pain. Love is the game. Passion and pain. Love is a game of passion and pain

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