Mackenzie Nicole – Was

Was – Mackenzie Nicole Lyrics, Letra:
I’m just a shadow… A shadow of what I Was… I wanna be better… Better than I ever Was…

I clock a different weight and cut off half my hair. I don’t remember either happening, but I know that they’re there.

Mmm… I wanna be better… Better than I ever Was… The meds aren’t helping as fast as I thought they would.

Put me on prescriptions. Save me from myself. You tell me I need to smile more, but I don’t think that would help.

I’m just a shadow…
A shadow of what I Was… And, I’m trying to make it out the woods.

I’m just fighting myself. I’m lying to myself. I’m just fighting myself. I’m lying to myself. Do I sigh to myself, or do I cry out for help?

Even if l hate myself, I am stuck by myself.

I’m just a shadow… A shadow of what I once Was… And, I’m not dying, but would I if I could?

When you ask me why I’m like this, I guess that my brain just got sick. When you ask me why unhappy, I can tell that you’re pissed at me. Tell me how to stop the noise, ‘cause I hate to disappoint. So, while I rip out my heart, I guess I’ll smile and play my part.

I’m just a shadow…
A shadow of what
I once Was…
I wanna be better…
Better than I ever Was…

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