Lyrics RESOLVE – Death Awaits

RESOLVE – Death Awaits (OFFICIAL VIDEO) Lyrics
Death Awaits
Death awaits
Eyes wide open
Can’t seem to accept my fate

At the gates
Too late to decide if I should
Run or stay

Run away now, run away now
Run away

I can’t remember when it cracked but
Here we are now
When did the world fade to black?
(When did it all fade to black)
Is it a virus or a stroke?
Have I just been lost in my own head for too long?
Dancing shadows behind my back made me

What if I learned to live like the rest of them
Catch my breath
Kill the blaze till there’s nothing left
Gotta deal with it, things will never be the
What if I was the problem, what if I changed?
Find my place, get a fresh start or seal my grave
Cloud of despair rain, above my head
A forever nightmare wide awake

All along the path I’m walking
The more I hurt, the more I like it

And when the sun goes down on the horizon line
Watch for the signs
Death awaits

Mountains of locusts as far as eye can see
Is it a worldwide plague or do they follow me?
I am both the hunter and the prey

What if I learned to live like the rest of them
Catch my breath
Kill the blaze till there’s nothing left
Gotta deal with it, things will never be the
What if I was the problem, what if I changed?
Find my place, get a fresh start or seal my grave
Cloud of despair rain, above my head
A forever nightmare wide awake

Death awaits
Lyrics, Letras, Paroles, Deutsche, Letras, Testi,Тексты, Texty, Norske, Текстови, Versuri, Persian, Liricí, Lirik, Nederlandse, Tagalog

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