Lyrics Daniel Leggs – Stay In My Dreams

Stay In My Dreams – Daniel Leggs Lyrics

I thought that I saw you
In some of my dreams
You held me so closely
Suppressed all my screams
And you say
I am insane

We both do, we know that
We’re not meant to be
Your eyes and your hair
They mean nothing to me
It’s your grace
What don’t you stay?

Stay in my dreams
Stay in my dreams
Stay in my dreams
Stay in my dreams

I’ll but be another
Consumed by self-doubt
We’re talking in silence
Dancing around our complaints
Why don’t you stay?

Stay in my dreams
Stay in my dreams
Stay in my dreams
Stay in my dreams

Stay in my dreams
Stay in my dreams
Stay in my dreams
Stay in my dreams

When I’m awake, I come to terms
That I’m over my head
In my bad, I’m king
So stay in my dreams

Stay in my dreams (when I’m awake, I come to terms)
Stay in my dreams (that I’m over my head, in my bad)
Stay in my dreams (I’m king)
So stay in my dreams

When I’m awake, I come to terms
That I’m over my head
In my bad, I’m king
So stay in my dreams

Letras “Daniel Leggs – Stay In My Dreams” Official Lyrics
Lyrics, Letras, Paroles, Deutsche, Letras, Testi,Тексты, Texty, Norske, Текстови, Versuri, Persian, Liricí, Lirik, Nederlandse, Tagalog

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