Lyrics Ahmed Batshan – Magash Mennek

Ahmed Batshan – Magash Mennek (Official Music Video) l أحمد بتشان – ماجاش منك Lyrics

Song Lyrics | كلمات الأغنية

مافكرتيش كمان مرة هعيش ازاي انا بعدك
وماسمعتيش ولا مرة وخرجتيني من ارضك
عرفتك والجروح طفلة
وماشي والجروح عواجيز
ماليش الحق اتفاجئ .. وقلبك امتى كان له عزيز

ماجاش ماجاش منك
ولا خير اتحكى عنك
لكن لسة مكانك فاضي جوايا

وبسأل وبسألني
في اية هيخرجك مني
ولية غرقان وبتعلق بقشاية
ماكنتش يوم مفكر ان هيجي الوقت تنسيني
واديكي هناك واديني بحن .. بموت عشان وحشتيني
غريبة يا قلبي مكتوبلك
تعيش بتعيد وجع وتزيد
وحيد وانت بعيد عنها .. وكنت معاها برضه وحيد

ماجاش ماجاش منك
ولا خير اتحكى عنك
لكن لسة مكانك فاضي جوايا

وبسأل وبسألني
في اية هيخرجك مني
ولية غرقان وبتعلق بقشاية

English Lyrics| Nothing good comes from knowing you

You didn’t even think twice how I would be without you
You didn’t even listen and you pushed me away
I knew you when the wounds were fresh
Now they are deep as they can get
I have no right to be surprise
Because since when could your heart hold anyone dear…
Nothing good comes from knowing you
Nothing good is said about you
But you left me with a void hole in my chest
Questioning myself
What can I do to keep you out of my mind?
Why do I feel like I am drowning and hanging by a straw?
I never thought the day would come and you’ll forget me
Now you are far away and I miss you… It’s killing me
Isn’t it weird that my heart is set to relive all the pain?
Oh My heart, lonely you while she is away, and lonely was you when she was here
Nothing good came from knowing you
Nothing good is ever said about you
But the void you left inside me still hurts
Questioning myself
What can I do to keep you out of my mind?
Why do I feel like I am drowning and hanging by a straw?
Lyrics, Letras, Paroles, Deutsche, Letras, Testi,Тексты, Texty, Norske, Текстови, Versuri, Persian, Liricí, Lirik, Nederlandse, Tagalog

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