Lunar Vacation – Mold

Mold Lyrics
Lunar Vacation – Mold Lyrics

Are you in love?

Verse 1
I saw you walking
By a trailer
But I get tired after a while
It all seems busy
Change your hair to get sponsored and sell your days
I’ll talk but I’ll probably do it later
I’ll take it as a lucky favor

I could be anything you wanted
I’ll still be changing with the seasons
I’ll bet you’ll never stay up dreaming
Open your door to let the love in

Verse 2
My world is pulsing
I can feel a hand in mine, you move it twice
I’m surrounded by a ?
It’s been more than my brain can take
I’m sitting at a picnic table
Consuming something that’s been catered

I could be anything you wanted
I’ll still be changing with the seasons
I’ll bet you’ll never stay up dreaming
Open your door to let the love in

I could buy anything you wanted
(I could be anything you wanted)
Tell you ?
(I’ll still be changing with the seasons)
And you will never have to face it
(Open your door to let the sun in)
All you ?

No one stole the one you wanted
No one stole the one you want
Is it all something that’s tinted?
They all swim and you’re just waiting

Lunar Vacation

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